Deck Crew
Welcome to our private group of deck crew, delivery deck crew, deckhands, bosuns, mates, first officers, green crew and dayworkers. If you are a crew member looking for a job or a boat looking to hire deck crew, then the deck group is fit for you. The group will also provide amazing resources connecting you to others deck crew, ask questions and more. Resources, connections, blank docs and more will all be provided to help you and your career.
Deck Crew "Silent" Whats App Group
The subscription based slack group will include:
Exterior qualified crew for US flagged boats (US citizens and green card holder only), Foreign crew eligible for foreign flagged boats, qualified mates with an extensive deckhand background and green crew looking for jobs and dayworkers.
This group is also perfect for brokers undergoing a sale of a boat and needing boats flipped or crew for when the sale is finalized.
Group Value per month: $3.00/ Month
Join all the other groups for $18.00/Month
All subscriptions are 1 month long and will auto renew, if you find your crew, job or your goal you may remove yourself or keep in the group to utilize all the resources.
Group Rules
The group rules are as followed: The "Silent" refers to not responding back to the post IN the group, simply press and hold on the message and respond directly to the person posting or the email or number given. There are numbers from all over the place and notifications can be limited. If someone asks a resource question you may respond direct but keep it short and sweet. The group admin will oversee and will not tolerate conversation in the group. We automatically remove/cancel the subscription if there is any hate speech, discrimination, negative comments and excessive conversation.